To miss is human, judging is sin / Errar é humano, julgar é pecado.
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First of all let me make clear that this comment with my aim is not to judge anyone, much less condemn nor defend "things wrong". But I would like to express my feelings on a very human thing: the error.
As is said an old saying, "To err is human." If we look at the passage of John 8.1-11, text that mentions the story of the adulterous woman, we see that even the Lord in his sovereignty condemned the error committed by her. For those who do not know the story, the woman mentioned was handling in adultery. Consequently, she was taken up to the presence of Jesus by scribes and Pharisees, who demanded a verdict of the Lord so that they could punish her. The men waited for Jesus to condemn, but the Lord in his wisdom made the following words to the subject: "[...] He who is without sin among you be the first to throw her the rock. "(Jo 8.7).
Is it interesting to see that the same God who can judge and condemn, forgive and preferred to give the possibility that woman could have her life transformed? So God always gives us the opportunity to fix our mistakes and repent of what we did.
During our life we see the mistakes of others, but maybe we are forgetting to look at ours? When we are surprised by the scandals and failures committed by others, as our leaders, friends, family, we condemn them or give then a second chance? Obviously I am not here defending the error, it should be tried and given it the proper punishment, according to the law of men or of God. What we should see is our attitude in front of these events.
I speak this for myself, how many times I found judging the mistakes of others? I have learned to look at the mistakes of others as a warning. Instead of being criticized, speaking evil, I looked at my life and asked God what I can do to not make the same mistakes of those people. Thinking that we are subject to fall in a mistake. God speaks of himself in his Word Corinthians 10:12: "He, therefore, thinks that is standing, sees to doesn’t fall." The trial is subtle, so we must be vigilant.
Another point to be taken into account is the facts that when we believe we are certainly judging we are going to be judged the same way. It fact, if we planted we spoon. So the criticism should be constructive, not destructive. Whoever planted trial for his life? Who is free from mistakes? You? I? Nobody is. We need to return to God and stop looking for men. We need to have a humble heart, we need to forgive and learn from our brothers, whether in error or in advice. Of course we should not listen to everything, but if the teaching comes from God we must seize it. I know it is not easy to deal with our mistakes, especially when we are confronted, but it is worth reflection.
Dear brother (a) if you have acted this way, judging others, yet they are wrong, maybe God is giving you a chance to repent and change their attitude.
We managed to overcome any obstacle misuse of character. We humans, we have several difficulties, but God is happy to teach us, because people more than he wants to see clean, walking as Christ walked?
The Lord Jesus taught and continues to shape our character.
Créditos pela tradução do texto: Marcos André Samuel.
Um comentário:
muito boa a mensagem, ajudando como sempre e sermos pessoas melhores e nos fazendo aprender cada vez mais ..ahhha n eskeecendo q a opção de ler a mensagem em português foi ótima!:D
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